The InnerCity Mission for Children is a duly registered Non-Governmental Organization [NGO] here in Nigeria and with a United Nations[UN] Consultative Status; we reach out to indigent children living in forgotten places; we deliver sustainable solutions to the problem of urban and rural child poverty, hunger and disease. From inception, we have provided Health Care, Education, Shelter, Food and Nutrition, Clothing, and Protection cum Economic Strengthening Services to thousands of children who live in the inner cities in locations across Nigeria.

Our Purpose
At the InnerCity Mission, children are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to helping children whose families are so poor that they face a future of illegal forced labor, vulnerable to being trafficked or ending up in the streets.
Our Programs                                                                     
The heart of our projects and programs at the InnerCity Mission is to give succor and ameliorate the plight of millions of children who live under especially difficult circumstances. We have four[4] major Programs as detailed below:

1.    Child Development Programs
This is our core program and it addresses the survival, mental, physical, emotional and psychosocial development of the indigent child.
§ The InnerCity Mission Nursery & Primary School is completely tuition-free with schools in Ikeja, Lagos State, Aba in Abia State and Owerri in Imo State where pupils get two [2] meals daily [breakfast and lunch], all textbooks and note books free, with a very high standard of educational achievement.
§ The InnerCity Mission presently has thriving ChildReach Centers in inner city communities around Lagos and Aba. The Centers form the backbone of our other programs and initiatives because it is through these centers that we identify beneficiaries of our other programs and initiatives as well as ensure follow up and sustainability.
2.    Child Health & Nutrition Programs
Every child has a right to life and through various Child Health & Nutrition Programs the InnerCity Mission for Children is improving the quality of living as well as life expectancy, saving lives one indigent child at a time.
§ The ICM4C Food Kitchen as the name implies provides food items for programs such as the School, the Hostel and our Child Reach Centers.
§ We also have a Food Bank through which we presently supply food items for initiatives such as the Family Support Program and the Orphanage Support Program.
3.    Child Care & Support Programs
To ensure that children grow up in a safe and supportive environment, the InnerCity Mission Child Care & Support Programs improves the safety and protection of children.
§ Our Home is a haven for children who hitherto were in extremely difficult circumstances; we have a total of thirty-five [38] children presently ranging from 6 – 16years old with many more on the waiting list. We also have a Home for Boys in Calabar – Cross Rivers State. 
§ Through the Orphanage Support Program, we presently support 905 children in thirty[30] Orphanages across Lagos State.

4.    Family Strengthening Programs
The InnerCity Mission Family Strengthening Programs are aimed at strengthening these families so they can provide for and cater to the needs of their children.
§ This year alone, 104 families representing 689 children have benefitted from our Family Support Program.

The InnerCity Mission is at the forefront of Child Poverty Eradication, through its special campaigns and initiatives, more and more children are reached continually; these initiatives are strategically aimed at breaking the Cycle of Poverty.

Child Poverty is a global epidemic, and everyone has a part to play to stop this epidemic and if we all do a little, we can be the change. But if we don’t do something NOW, we will affect the future, our future.
Take Action! Support the work of the InnerCity Mission for Children – donatefund raisevolunteer and help us #EndChildPovertyNOW and secure the lives of children, extend their life expectancy and create a safer future because #EveryChildisyourChild.
We trust that we can count on your support to reach many more indigent children, who for the most part are neglected and/or ignored by the larger society.
Please find below, a link to our half year report-
