Welcome To Leadership Impact Summit



Welcome to Leadership Impact Summit

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to this special assembly of Kingdom Ministers.

We have no doubt that some of you attending this summit would have been wondering what difference will this make. The Lord has not sent us to make a difference anyway but to leave a lasting impression that would galvanize us into a more proactive kind of ministry.

Christian Ministry today has taken a back seat in the overall scheme of unfolding global events. It is counted along with other religious organizations that lead nowhere but serve as a social gathering of people.

Christ indeed did not lay the foundation for a religious organization but gave Himself as the chief cornerstone of the foundation of apostles and prophets. He consistently spoke of a body that would fit with him as bridegroom and provide the fullness into which all of creation will find resolution. The concept of this summit is born out of the desire of Christ to give focus to his Church by empowering her leaders in every sphere with the requisite sight of God for this season of Kingdom advance.

When God said "come out of her My people", He was instructing His Church to migrate from the core values and principles of the Kingdoms of this world. The Kingdom of God is currently advancing with such speed that it has become evident in the crisis rocking the world to its foundation.

This is a prophetic gathering of Kingdom leaders who have genuinely made a covenant with God by sacrifice. We have not come to invalidate any church system but to offer the olive branch of the love of Christ as He demands that we all come to one place of expression – The Kingdom of God.

Through the mouth of Isaiah the Prophet, the Lord said "Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD'S house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it.3 Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."….

We are in that day that the Prophet spoke about. Massive building activity is ongoing without the notice of the nominal religious Church. The wise virgins are in the process of movement towards engaging with the bridegroom while the foolish ones are carried away by the deceptive structures of the world.

Through this Summit, we want to spiritually take Church leadership up the Mountain of the Lords house so we can catch a glimpse of glory. The mountains of Family, Religion, Government, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Economy and Education in the world have impeded the sight of Church. As we thread down these mountains, we want to create new prophetic imprints on each one of them so we can find true elevation up the Mountain of the Lords House. It's not going to be a one off experience but a life process that will build better relationship with Christ and those who have been called to break the seals in this New Era.

We look forward to a great time of impartation and empowerment.

